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The Center for Crime Prevention in Lithuania has participated in a number of governmental programs and research projects related to crime prevention:
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Governmental Programs on Crime Prevention
Complex Measures to Increase Effectiveness of Legal Responsibility for Crimes against Order of Business and Finances, and to Strengthen Prevention of Organized Crime and Corruption. Approved by the Decision No. 433 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on April 9, 1998;
Program on Prevention of Organized Crime and Corruption. Approved by the Decision No. 62 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on January 15, 1999;
National Program on Control and Prevention of Drugs and Drug Addiction 1999-2003. Approved by the Decision No. 970 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on September 6, 1999;
National Program against Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children and Child Abuse. Approved by the Decision No. 29 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on January 11, 2000;
Program on Prevention of Human Trafficking and Prostitution 2002-2004. Approved by the Decision No. 62 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on January 17, 2002;
National Program of the Republic of Lithuania on Fight against Corruption. Approved by the Decision No. IX-711 of the Parliament of the Republic of Lithuania on January 17, 2002;
Juvenile Justice Program 2004-2008. Approved by the Decision No. 600 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on May 19, 2004;
Action Plan of the National Program on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 2005-2006. Approved by the Decision No. 12 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on January 12, 2005;
Complex Program for Prevention and Control of Motor Vehicle Thefts. Approved by the Decision No. 387 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on April 7, 2005;
Action Plan of the National Program on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice 2007-2009. Approved by the Decision No. 806 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on August 8, 2007;
Juvenile Justice Program 2009-2013. Approved by the Decision No. 1070 of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on September 2, 2009;
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Research Projects on Crime Prevention
EURO-JUSTIS – Scientific Indicators of Confidence in Justice Tools for Policy Assessment. EU 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. Project coordinated by Institute for Criminal Policy Research, Bikrbeck College London;
FIDUCIA – New European Crimes and Trust-Based Policy. EU 7th Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. Project coordinated coordinated by the University of Parma;
Creation and Application of „Two-Rays“ Model for Analysis of Registered and Latent Crime in Lithuania. National Research Program „Social Challenges for National Security”. Project implemented by Mykolas Romeris University;
Information System for Crime Prevention in Lithuania;
Program for Social and Legal Protection of Victims of Crime. Project supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vilnius, Lithuania;
Creation of Database of Programs of Crime Prevention and Control;
Initiative of Civic Self Defense;
„Building doors“. Project supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Vilnius, Lithuania;
Strengthening of Police Capabilities aimed at Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency through the Implementation of the Restorative Justice Model. Prevention of and Fight against Crime Programme of European Commission’ Directorate-General Home Affairs, Freedom and Security. In collaboration with Police Department under the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, County Police of Blekinge, Municipality of Karlskrona;
Implementation of Targeted Prevention of Psychoactive Substance Use in Vėliučionys Children Socialization Center;
Program of Penitentiary Prevention;
Program of Probation in the Criminal Justice System;
Training Program for Subjects of Crime Prevention;
Street Law. In collaboration with Open Society Fund Lithuania, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania, Mykolas Romeris University;
Nusikalstamumo Crime Prevention Initiative „Voratinklis (Spider Net)“. In collaboration with Vilnius Police Headquartes and “Lietuva Statoil”;
Reduction of the Number of Children Dropouts from the System of General Education through Strengthening Activities of Prevention Groups in Educational Establishments. Lithuanian Single Programming Document for 2004-2006, Priority 2 „Human Resource Development“, Measure 2.4. Development of Conditions for Lifelong Learning. In collaboration with Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences and Lithuanian Social Pedagogy Association. Project coordinator – Lithuanian Social Pedagogy Association
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